Non-financial Services

Business Accelerator for Successful Entrepreneurship

The Bank provides advisory services to clients pertaining to management best practices, good governance, record keeping, financial management etc. based on the Bank’s wider knowledge of the business, operating environment, and experience gained from funding, implementing, and monitoring such projects. This is done by way of training and technical support to develop and implement the required processes in the businesses. The objective is to have professionally run businesses and enterprises which in result reduces the risk of default of financed projects.

Project Preparation

The Bank finances infrastructure projects by structuring the financing against the security of the cash flow arising from the creation of the project’s assets, plus the realizable value of the asset themselves. This presupposes that the assets being financed are ring-fenced by the creation of an SPV so that the cash flow from the project is available for debt service. Projects where this kind of financing can be applied includes energy projects, transportation projects, ICT projects, oil and gas projects and other infrastructure projects.

Local Contractors Programme

Infrastructure plays an  indispensable role as a contributor to the growth of the Ugandan economy. The infrastructure sector is a significant employer and creates numerous economic opportunities for small and medium enterprises. Further, through the life span of infrastructure projects, abundant economic opportunities are unleashed for their users, thus directly contributing to improving the quality of life of Ugandans. The Uganda Development Bank Limited has identified the need for financial support to emerging and existing contractors that enable the development of infrastructure projects. The Bank, through the Local Contractors’ programme aims at providing low interest and longer-term working capital so as to aid efficient contract performance as well as asset financing which shall enable contractor growth.